Kink in the 1950s
Catherine Robbe-Grillet, France's most famous dominatrix, had a seriously sexy marriage. In 1958, her husband, writer and filmmaker Alain Robbe-Grillet, wrote up a contract...
Catherine Robbe-Grillet, France's most famous dominatrix, had a seriously sexy marriage. In 1958, her husband, writer and filmmaker Alain Robbe-Grillet, wrote up a contract - to which Catherine consented - detailing the rules and expectations for their BDSM scenes, in which he assumed the dominant role. He called it the Contract of Prostitution, since it included an agreement that he pay his wife "twenty thousand French Francs per session." Recently, Catherine Robbe-Grillet, now a widow, allowed Vanity Fair to publish the contract in English, as translated by her current submissive partner, Beverly Charpentier.
The contract covers how long each scene will be (about two hours), and how often they'll happen.
The date and time of each session shall be determined by mutual agreement of both parties. The date, once established, may be revoked by the husband alone. Furthermore, the husband may demand a minimum of three sessions per month.
The rest of the contract is kinky as hell, if written in adorably stilted legalese.
Furthermore, when her mouth or hands are required to fondle him, it shall be expected of her that she apply the greatest possible diligence to this task, regardless of whether the position in which she finds herself, or the torments to which she must submit, make the performance of her carnal duties arduous.
It also clarifies the payment element:
Monies thus earned shall be the wife's sole separate property: she shall not be expected to give any account of their use and may even use them for amusements in which her husband takes no part, such as extravagant travel, any manner of personal acquisitions, costly gifts for her friends, etc…
Fifty Shades, eat your heart out.
You can read the full contract here.