"I never felt like my G-Spot was under attack": Staff Review of the Tantus Sport

THIS ENTRY WAS POSTED ON September 23, 2014 BY Team Pleasure Chest.

I was excited to try the Sport, since I love G-spot play, and the Sport's sharp curve definitely lends itself to that. Also, aesthetically, I really like its metallic gray/silver color; I think it makes it look high-end, and it's nice when companies veer away from the boring pink-for-girls, black-for-boys binary.

I tried the Sport solo a couple of times, as a G-spot toy, and I was impressed. The smooth, round bulb at the end (which I hesitate to call a head, since the Sport doesn't look very much like a dick) provides pleasantly firm, focused pressure, but the shaft is flexible enough that I never felt like my G-spot was under attack. I love Njoy's stainless steel Pure Wand with all of my heart and soul, but sometimes - during my period, for instance - it puts too much pressure on my G-spot. I feel like I could use the Sport comfortably at any time of the month.

I also tried it as a butt toy, with mixed results. On the one hand, the fact that it's so smooth and petite made it a great anal toy for someone like me; a lot of the time, I find it hard to relax enough to make butt sex comfortable. My partner started me off with Aneros' Tempo plug and some nice massage, and pretty soon I was able to accommodate the Sport without even a tiny pang of discomfort. I even discovered pretty quickly that I wanted something bigger. On the other hand, the curved shape that had made my G-spot so happy was sort of annoying in my prostate-less butt.

I would absolutely recommend the Sport to someone who enjoys lighter, focused pressure on the G-spot or the prostate, especially if they're looking for a smaller toy. I'd also recommend it to anyone looking for a non-phallic dildo.

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