Leather is buttery soft and the wider design makes this super stable! I have a much cheaper one that I got at another store (it's basically a metal o-ring with a strap on either side and a single buckle), and it has zero stability and moves around a ton. This one doesn't move around, feels stable on my leg, super adjustable. Very nice, worth the price!
with its soft leather base and adjustable straps and snaps for different sized legs, dildos, and o-rings. It’s really comfortable to wear, and beyond being perfect for accessibility in strapon sex, it’s a great option in any lap-sitting scenario, and can also be strapped around the foot of a boot. The one thing I would change is the angle of the straps, which come out from the body of the harness each at 45 degrees.
Not only does this harness make strap-on play A LOT more comfortable for my partner and I who both have limited hip mobility, it makes so many different positions way more accessible and possible! It’s also awesome to be able to use our leg strength to thrust!
especially for those of us who physically have a hard time maintaining thrusting from the hips. the Buckling offers me an opportunity to be able to have longer sessions, and especially the placement allows for me to be physically close to my partner while also thrusting into them at a 90 degree angle without straining my body! My only complaint is that if you wanted to adjust the O-Ring to a smaller size dildo, the metal bases from the outer snaps become open and visible. Although you have to be pushing all the way into the harness to feel those metal bumps, it would be more streamlined and comfortable with them covered, so I always leave the buttons on the larger size. Also more colors please! :)