Clone-A-Willy Penis Molding Kit

Need a spare? Make an exact replica of your penis in the privacy of your own home. This easy-to-use kit has everything you need to make a vibrating copy of any dick! The latex-free rubber molds to create a handy, lifelike duplicate. Battery (and penis) not included.

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Black, Light,

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Open it up and let the fun begin!

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  • 4

    Khilos | Mar 3, 2024

    Dreams can come true! I successfully cloned my "willy". Temperature matters! The temp was off on my first attempt and the mold ended up cottage cheesy and never hardened. Second try: 90 degrees tap water was perfect, the mold hardened within minutes. Because the first attempt failed, human error, I had to buy a second kit which worked out perfectly because I needed double the silicone; my "willy" is kind of long and thick. Still, it fit in the tube, barely, but perfectly. I let the tube sit with the vibe popping out the top for the recommended approx. 24 hours, pulled out my cloned "willy" and it was perfect. The silicone has a nice weight to it too. It's fun.

  • 4

    Luna | Jul 6, 2019

    but watch the videos by the Clone-A-Willy company MULTIPLE times before you try to do this the first time. The molding material hardens VERY quickly [like, if you stir it for more than 15ish seconds, it will start to harden], and if you don’t get your goods in there fast, they may not go in at all. If that happens, the company sells extra molding powder, but you can also find it at craft supplies stores. Consider using a cockring for a harder hard-on, and to help maintain your erection throughout the molding process [this is a great partner activity if you have someone to talk dirty to you while making the mold]. Also, try not to touch the edges of the tube - if you do, it’ll cause part of the mold and final “Willy” to flatten on the side. If you’re a little on the girthy or curved side, there are tips on the website as well, but I would also recommend using a larger tube - a soda bottle could probably work. When you’re pouring the silicone into the mold, be sure to tap the tube to prevent bubbles. TLDR: do your due diligence before you mix the molding powder!