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Balls Deep for Men's Health Week

By: Robin Jennings

This Mens' Health Month let's shine a light on an often overlooked part of the XY body type - the Balls. I'm talking about Testicles, aka Nuts, Cojones, Bollocks, the ole Family Jewels. That's right, Cock, you can take a back seat on this one. For once, we're taking a deep dive into your very sensitive, typically neglected, southern neighbors.


Balls Deep for Men's Health Week

Anatomy of Deez Nuts

Playing with Balls ;)

The balls are often maligned as the butt of jokes or find themselves starring in Tiktok compilations of people getting hit in the crotch. Poor balls are commonly seen as goofy, unappealing, or too sensitive to dare to touch, leaving them out in the cold in sexual situations. Get to know the balls a bit better and you'll see that they're also very sensitive to pleasure and can be key to enhancing your sexual game.

There are three key players in what we call "the Balls"; the testicles, the vas deferens, and the scrotum.

The testicles are the oval dumplings responsible for sperm production and extraordinary pain if hit or squeezed too hard. The testicles are not free floating and shouldn't be twisted or expected to switch sides. They are each connected to the urethra by a tube called the vas deferens. The vas deferens is the Lincoln Tunnel of the balls, delivering sperm and seminal fluid to the urethra for their wild night out. Be careful not to tweak or bend the vas deferens as it can be quite painful and sometimes damaging.

The scrotum is the skin that holds it all together and regulates temperature. Body temperature is too warm for sperm production and the scrotum works overtime, expanding and shrinking as needed to cool or warm the testicles. This skin is very sensitive and part of the nerve system that supplies pleasure to the entire genital and anal area of the body. Stimulating the scrotum with light touch, gentle massage and cupping will not only be very pleasurable, it will also heighten arousal throughout the body, expanding your sexual experience.

Same Stuff, Different Body

If you're wondering what it feels like to have balls, you're in luck because our bodies have analogous, or equivalent, corresponding parts. Knowing analogous anatomy can be really helpful when engaging with bodies that are different from your own. Many know that the penis and clitoris are analogous. Did you know that the testicles correspond with ovaries? The vas deferens is equivalent to uterine tubes (formerly known as Fallopian tubes). And, the scrotum is the same type of sensitive skin as the outer labia. In fact, the line down the center to the scrotum is where fetal labia fused together to form the scrotum as the genitalia developed in utero. The feeling of fingers lightly tracing along the outer labia or scrotum will have a similar sensitivity and capacity for pleasure.

Treat your Balls

Now that we've gotten to know them better, we don't need to be so shy about including balls in our solo or partnered sexual play (with consent of course!). Here are some suggestions and toys to get you started in exploring the Wonderful World of Balls!

Consider Shaving

Coochy GoGo Shave Cream

If you're reading this with a polished mirror shine on your sack right now, you can skip to the next section. But, if you've never shaved your balls, let this be your sign to give it a try. Yes, it will itch and feel weird the next day but the sensitivity and smoothness will be worth it. It's also an invitation to your partner(s) to pay a little more attention to them! I know I'm not alone in saying I'd rather have a smooth ball in my mouth than a hairy one. This is in no way shaming body hair. I love hair too. I'm just asking you to consider it if you've never tried it.

If you go for it, make sure you do it right. Scrotal skin is sensitive. Use a new, multi-blade razor and save shaving till the end of your shower to give your skin a chance to relax and your hair to soften. Hot water will help too. If you're chilly, your scrotum will tighten and wrinkle, making it hard to shave. Use a sensitive skin shaving cream like Gogo Coco. It moisturizes and prevents nicks and ingrown hairs.

Coochy Lime Yours Oil

After your shower, take a moment to marvel at the smoothness of your skin. Massage in some Lime Yours to moisturize, prevent itch, and stop ingrown hairs. Your balls will never smell so good and your partner(s) will thank you!

Big Stretch

Atomic Jock Truckt 2 Cock Ring Set

Testicles grow in size when aroused and they pull up close to the body as ejaculation approaches. Ball stretching involves putting a ring, strap, or rope tie around the scrotum, pushing the testicles down and away from the body. This alone can feel pleasurable and it pulls the scrotum taught around the testicles making them both more sensitive. This also prevents the testicles from rising, helping delay ejaculation and extending orgasm when it does arrive. The term ball stretching can be triggering to some but it's not intended to be painful or alter the body. It's all about pleasure.

Stretchy cock rings like the Atomic Jock Truckt are great starter stretchers. They traditionally go around both the cock and testicles but can also be used as a ball stretcher by putting it around just the scrotum. Make sure to use lube when putting on any stretchy cock ring or ball stretcher. You can keep adding rings for a bigger stretch!

Oxballs Neo Angle Ballstretcher

The weight of a ball stretcher can make a big difference in your experience. A thick, heavy stretcher like the Neo Angle Ball Stretcher from Oxballs will have you feeling a tug with every movement you make. Turn the angle to the front or back, depending on what feels and looks best to you.

Oxballs Cocksling 2

Nothing complements ball stretching like a cock ring. Cock rings provide a slight tourniquet effect, allowing for fuller engorgement, sensitivity, and stamina. Give your cock a squeeze and your balls a tug simultaneously with the Oxballs Cocksling 2. No one knows cock rings like Oxballs and they've perfected the ultimate cock ring/ball stretcher combo.

Vibe Check

Je Joue Mio Ring

Too often penis owners assume vibrators are just for vulvas. And while the penis tends to be less sensitive to vibration than the clitoris, the scrotum would appreciate some vibey pleasure every once in a while too. Balls tend to respond well to low, rumbly vibration. Flat, easy to hold vibes work well, allowing users to cup the balls with a low vibration or put stronger vibes and pressure on the perineum to stimulate the interior penis.

Je Joue is known for their deep vibrations and soft, stretchy silicone. The Mio is a cock ring vibe that can be worn with both the penis and testicles through the hole with the vibe on top for partner stimulation or it can be rotated upside down so the vibe is behind the balls for perineum and scrotal stimulation. It's also a great palm vibe because you can easily put two fingers through the hole, securing the vibe on your palm. Cupping the balls with a palm vibe during a blow job is a memorable experience for everyone!

Je Joue Mimi Soft Vibrator

The Je Joue Mimi is another easy to hold vibe that can rest in your palm while cupping the balls. Now if you've taken my advice and shaved your balls, try adding some lube to the Mimi while massaging and cupping the balls for a whole new level of stimulation. The Mimi is great all over the body for sensual massage and makes any kind of genitalia happy.

So this Men's Health Awareness Month do something nice for the twins. Air them out a bit. Maybe get them some sun. Give them a makeover and invite them to the party. It'll be good for your health!

Robin Jennings

Robin Jennings (aka Mistress Mary) is a seasoned Pleasure Educator and co-host of the Fuck Yeah podcast. She's a feminist, artist, and former Pro-Domme with a penchant for sexual liberation and free form gender expression. You can find her on IG and Tiktok @fuckyeahpod.

More by Robin:

Roleplay Q & A Anatomy of a Spanking Bondage Basics