
If The Dildo Fits: Valentine's Day Gift Guide

If The Dildo Fits: Valentine's Day Gift Guide

IF THE DILDO FITS: How to Choose a Toy for your Special Someone. Warm your sweetie’s heart and fill their hole with a brand new dildo this Valentine’s Day! Just make sure you choose the right one! Follow these dil-do’s & dil-don’ts to select the perfect gift.

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RECLAIMING SEX ED How SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change is fighting to reclaim Sex Ed for a more intersectional future. Did you dread Sex Ed? Really, who didn't? I had to learn...

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50 Years of Pride and Pleasure

50 Years of Pride and Pleasure

2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall, a New York uprising that ushered in a new era in the Gay Rights Movement. The Stonewall Inn, as most past (and present-day gay bars), served as a place of refuge...

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