jessica drake

A world famous porn star and sex worker herself, jessica shares with passion, guiding her audience behind the scenes of the adult entertainment industry, onto adult sets, and into fan friendly trade shows. She candidly discusses porn with a wide range of audiences, dispelling myths and stereotypes while also providing a much needed foundational context. This illuminating discourse breaks down preconceived notions while teaching consent and advocating for new curriculum which encompasses both inclusivity and pleasure based sex education from a harm reduction standpoint.

In addition to her life long career as an actor, director and producer, drake is a model, host, certified sex educator, Brand Strategist for Wicked Sensual Care, Vice President of the LA Chapter of Feed the Streets and Board Member of Tending the Garden. When not speaking or teaching, jd can be found at the dog park with her four rescue Chihuahua mixes, feeding the streets of Los Angeles, enjoying a much needed day at the K Spa, or being kinky.

Twitter: @thejessicadrake

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